A healthy gut is a key to a healthy you, with poor digestion being highlighted as a risk factor for arthritis, eczema, asthma, migraines, some cancers, chronic fatigue and diabetes ...
Heartburn, reflux and dyspepsia refer to stomach pain or discomfort after eating. When we eat, the food goes down the oesophagus into the stomach, passing through a valve to keep it there to be digested. If the valve becomes slack, stomach contents can travel back into the oesophagus, causing a burning feeling in the chest and acidic taste in the mouth ...
Our hormone levels change throughout our lives and the unique blend of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone affect our mood, weight, food cravings, sex drive and overall wellbeing and quality of life. The balance of estrogen and progesterone seems to be key ...
IBS primarily affects women and may be caused by changes in routine, emotional stress, infections, inappropriate toileting, diet and other factors. Symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, mucus in the stools, constipation and/or diarrhoea.
Headaches can be a nuisance, but migraines are a different story. This condition is characterised by severe, recurring pain that lasts from 4 to 72-hours and affects daily activities ...