Vaccination service

"My experience when getting my Covid booster was: on time, all aspects were professionally explained, the vaccination was almost pain free and with no reactions. I usually experience a sore arm but not this time. I was seriously impressed! Thank you so much for your all round professionalism - it’s appreciated." Mandy
Influenza vaccine
The flu vaccine stimulates immunity against the virus, aiding in faster recovery upon exposure. As the virus mutates every year, the strains of virus in the vaccine are updated. Eligible groups (over 65 years, pregnant women or those with certain health conditions) can receive free vaccines, while others can obtain them for a fee.
Immunity from the flu vaccine is expected to last for three to four months, so April to June are the best months to be vaccinated to allow the vaccine to work at it's peak during the flu season. As the immunity wears off and the strains of virus mutate each year, it is important that you have the flu vaccine each year. In 2025, Influvac Tetra is the funded vaccine, a purified, inactivated quadrivalent influenza vaccine suitable for children from 6 months to adults. We will also have available Fluad Quad, a boosted vaccine for greater effectiveness for people over 65 years (unfunded).
Before your appointment, we recommend talking to our Pharmacists if you are currently unwell with a high fever; are taking blood thinning medication or have a bleeding disorder; have had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to any vaccine, medicine, or anything else or have had any other vaccines in the last week. Read more in this "what you need to know" factsheet.
COVID-19 booster vaccinations can be given at the same time as your flu vaccine if you are due for the next booster. The vaccine being used at the moment is Pfizer JN.1 monovalent vaccine. It is an updated vaccine targeting recent strains. A booster can be given if it is at least 6 months since you had COVID-19 or a COVID-19 vaccine.
Click here for more information if you are recommended to receive boosters.
Other Vaccinations Available
Shingrix (Varicella zoster, shingles vaccine)
MenQuadfi (Meningococcal ACWY vaccine)
Gardasil (Human papillomavirus HPV vaccine)
Shingrix is approved to prevent shingles and its complications (most commonly nerve pain). It is recommended for all adults aged from 50 years and is funded for adults at age 65 years and adults with a range of specific immune-deficient circumstances (see the criteria here). It is a non-live vaccine that is around 90% effective and is given as two doses, 2-6 months apart. Read more about shingles or book with the button above.