Health Topics — diet RSS

Asthma: 3 common causes and how to avoid them

Asthma is a major issue in New Zealand. One in four of our kids and one in six adults suffer from asthma, over 600,000 people. It hasn’t always been this common and research hasn’t come up with a definite answer as to why it is becoming more common, but our lifestyles do seem to have many contributing factors. The major suspects seem to be allergies, diet and poor digestion.

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Diabetes: Are you one of the 100,000 New Zealander’s with Diabetes who don’t know it?

Diabetes currently affects more than 200,000 people in New Zealand and experts fear that there are another 100,000 people who have Diabetes but haven’t been diagnosed yet. As with many conditions, the earlier that it is diagnosed, the better it is controlled, and the long-term outcomes are more positive. 

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A look at digestion with Holistic Nutritionist, Alison Cowell

We work under the same roof as Alison from Healthy Eating and we often refer patients to her who are experiencing long term upset stomachs, indigestion, constipation and other digestive problems. As a Holistic Nutritionist, she knows all too well how our food can influence our overall health. So, as we were planning this column on digestion, I asked Alison if she could shed some light on the matter. Thanks Alison. The human body is simply a series of cells waiting for nutrients, and we get those nutrients from the foods we eat. Simple, right? You know all about healthy eating and you make the best choices (most of the time!). So, the ‘fuel’ for your bodies ticks all the...

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Improve your energy levels

Do you ever complain about being tired? Many people do.A number of medical conditions can make you feel tired including iron deficiencies, low thyroid function, diabetes, depression, coeliac disease, sleep apnoea, among others so check in with your doctor first if you are feeling tired. Many people will still feel sluggish without any underlying condition. Even if you are suffering from one of these conditions, treating lifestyle factors such as poor diet, poor sleep, stress and emotional factors can improve your energy levels.

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