GAVISCON Dual Action Tabs 16

GAVISCON Dual Action Tabs 16

Regular price $8.99
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Gaviscon tablets bring fast, soothing relief from the burning pain of heartburn and the discomfort of indigestion. It has a dual action - quickly neutralising excess stomach acid while also forming a protective barrier over the stomach contents. It can be helpful in gastro-oesophageal reflux, heartburn in pregnancy, flatulence and dyspepsia associated with gastric reflux, hiatus hernia, reflux oesophagitis, regurgitation.


Each tablet contains 250mg sodium alginate, 106.5mg sodium bicarbonate and 187.5mg calcium carbonate.


Adults: Chew 4 tablets as required, after meals and half an hour before going to bed at night, up to 4 times daily. 
Children 6 to 12 years: Chew 2 tablets as required, after meals and half an hour before going to bed at night, up to 4 times daily.


Not recommended for use in children under 6 years. Always read label carefully and use strictly as directed. It is recommended that you do not immediately lie down or go to bed after taking tablets. If symptoms persist see your Doctor. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, allergic to any of the ingredients in this product, are on a sodium restricted diet, hypophosphataemia or have renal impairment.



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