General Sale Medicine
Natural relief from nasal congestion for travellers. FESS Frequent Flyer helps relieve nasal and sinus congestion due to low humidity, dry environments such as on planes or in air-conditioned environments. The solutions keeps your nasal passages moist and helps wash away bacteria pollutants.
Sodium Chloride 9mg/ml with added moisturisers, tea tree oil and xylitol.
Use 2-3 sprays in each nostril before boarding the plane and every 2 hours during the flight. It's a good idea to continue using after arrival to help keep your nasal clearing system in optimal condition.
Not recommended for children 7 years and under. Do not use if neck seal is broken. May be used as often as necessary and is non habit forming. It may be used during pregnancy and while breast feeding. This medication must only be used by one person. Sharing this dispenser may spread infection. If congestion persists, please see your doctor.