General Sale Medicine
FESS Sinu-Cleanse sachets are a gentle, non-medicated isotonic wash to relieve nasal and sinus congestion due to allergies, hayfever, sinusitis, colds and flu.
The isotonic solution has a lower salt concentration and is ideal for washing and daily cleaning of the nasal and sinus cavities.
Sodium Chloride 1.94g per sachet, made up to 200ml with water.
Sodium Bicarbonate.
- Empty one sachet into the Fess bottle, fill to the line marked with boiled and cooled water.
- Lid the bottle and shake gently to dissolve the powder.
- Bend over a basin and place the cap gently inside the right nostril ensuring the tip is pointed towards the back of your head.
- Keeping your mouth open, gently squeeze the bottle in a pulsing action. Whenever the soft squeeze bottle needs to fill with air, remove it from the nose before you release your hand pressure.
- Allow approximately half of the solution to wash through the nasal passages and sinus cavity and come out of the left nostril.
- Repeat for the left nostril.
- Discard any remaining solution, wash bottle, cap and tube thoroughly after each use and allow it to drip-dry.
Use once or twice daily or as directed by your doctor.