COVID pre-vaccination information

Thank you for taking the time to read this information before your Pfizer Comirnaty (COVID-19) vaccination.

Please arrive at your appointment time and allow a total of 20 minutes for the process. As we have limited space, please do not arrive early. There is no charge for the vaccination.

If you are showing signs of a fever, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, sore throat or loss of smell or taste, please call us on 8357948 before your appointment.

As part of your sign in process, you need to give informed consent to have the vaccine. To allow you to do this, please read what to expect with vaccination.

Other information you may like to read before your appointment:

5-11 year old COVID vaccinations

A parent, legal guardian or enduring power of attorney will need to accompany the child/ren to give consent at the appointment. Please stay with your child/ren through the process and for 15 minutes observation time afterwards. 5-11 year olds are given the same vaccine as adults, but at a lower dose. They are recommended to have two doses, at least 8-weeks apart. The information to watch and read above is still relevant but we've added a few below in case you are still researching. 



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