COMPEED Cold Sore Patches 15

COMPEED Cold Sore Patches 15

Regular price $24.99
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Compeed Cold Sore Patch is a new invisible patch method to treat cold sores discreetly. Clinically proven to address the complete cold sore outbreak, from tingling to healing. It provides healing benefits at each stage of the cold sore outbreak.


Each box of Compeed Cold Sore Patch contains 15 patches, sufficient to treat one cold sore outbreak. Apply the patch at the first sign of an outbreak (when the area tingles) until the skin is completely healed. Wash your hands before application. The patch should be applied to clean, dry skin. Do not use in combination with any cream, as the patch may not stick to the skin. Once the patch is firmly in place, you can apply make-up or lipstick over and around the patch.If the patch stays on, there is no need to remove it and change it. When it starts to detach from the skin, it should be removed and replaced with a new patch. To remove it easily, gently pull the patch in parallel with your skin.


Stop treatment if redness and itchiness occurs.

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